Napoli, meet outside the dining table!2014-07-18
We haveВ NapoliВ NapoliВ NapoliВ boss,В cook,В food,В we will evenВ NaplesvolcanoВ areВ moved,В because weВ firedВ pizzaВ ovenВ is made ofВ volcanoash.
In order toВ doВ whileВ the intentions of theВ Italy restaurant,В ItalyВ teampartners forВ allВ related information areВ extremely sensitive.В Recently,В anexplosiveВ news,В Guo Jingming published theВ bookВ “the consistentВ luxurynext station,В Naples”,В and decided toВ “small age 3”В will be inВ Naplesframing.
To see this,В LAВ PIZZAВ think,В focusВ too longВ a pizza andВ pasta,В forgotВ to introduceВ the table outsideВ Naples.
NaplesВ “stand-byВ Coffee”
GiveВ aВ personВ a cup ofВ CoffeeВ have never met,В how do you think about this idea?В This traditionВ has a long history inВ Italy,В these areВ acts of kindnessВ fromВ aВ stranger,В fromВ NaplesВ warmВ town.
ToledoВ (Toledo)В subway stationВ mosaicВ Dull life,В but there areВ notВ willing toВ dullВ the artist,В Italy designer OscarВ TusquetsВ BlancaВ (Oscar Tuskets Blanca)В forВ the city of NaplesВ ToledoВ (Toledo)В subway stationВ into thecoolВ elements,В wall and floorВ covering theВ blue mosaic,В a layer ofВ lightВ to look around,В likeВ in theВ sky.
Dull life,В but there areВ notВ willing toВ dullВ the artist,В Italy designer OscarTusquetsВ BlancaВ (Oscar Tuskets Blanca)В forВ the city of NaplesВ Toledo(Toledo)В subway stationВ into theВ coolВ elements,В wall and floorВ covering theВ blue mosaic,В a layer ofВ lightВ to look around,В likeВ in theВ sky.
Think again ofВ the vanity of the society,В enough to createВ a strong visual impact andВ mind blast.В The beautifulВ NaplesВ always bringВ a little accident,В life hereВ is full of surprises.В The beautifulВ NaplesВ always bringa little accident,В life hereВ is full of surprises.
RedВ FerrariВ train
From ItalyВ FerrariВ car,В in the carВ positionВ that isВ extremely high,В now,ItalyВ privateВ railway companyВ andВ customВ Italo Italo automaticВ high-speed train,В the shape,В it isВ FerrariВ lengthenedВ and enlarged edition ofsports cars,В coolВ appearance,В interiorВ comfort,В vehicle speedВ has reachedВ a top speed ofВ 300В km /В ItalyВ allowedВ hours,В the so-calledВ be pretty and intelligent,В it isВ on the railwayВ tall, rich and handsome,В trainfighter.
The most worth mentioning isВ its movement route,В from north to SouthItaly withВ nerve.В Venice,В Milan,В Rome and naples.В Just imagine,В sittingFerrariВ redВ sonВ train,В VeniceВ gondola,В Milan fashion,В the history of RomeВ andВ NaplesВ Food,В Is it right?В Victory overВ all theВ local tyrants!